Choose your plan

Select what best suits your business needs.


$708/ yearly
Start 7-day Free Trial
  • 1 website
  • Instant/emailed results
  • User-end formula selection
  • Mailchimp integration
  • Unlimited number of templates
  • Macronutrient calculation
  • 3 formulas available


$1608/ yearly
Start 7-day Free Trial
  • Up to 5 websites
  • Instant/emailed results
  • User-end formula selection
  • Mailchimp integration
  • Unlimited number of templates
  • Macronutrient calculation
  • 3 formulas available


$2388/ yearly
Start 7-day Free Trial
  • Unlimited websites
  • Instant/emailed results
  • User-end formula selection
  • Mailchimp integration
  • Unlimited number of templates
  • Macronutrient calculation
  • 3 formulas available
Visual representation
Customize the Calculator's appearance by selecting colors that match your branding.
optimized code - calorie calculator cloud
Optimized code
The Calorie Calculator Cloud is fast and functional, thanks to its professional development.
Mailchimp & Zapier integration
An easy way to collect user emails and use them in your email communications.
entertaining - calorie calculator cloud
Calorie Calculator Cloud offers an engaging and enjoyable experience for users, akin to playing a game.